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Surprising Leadership Lessons You'll Learn from Dance

When you think of developing leadership skills, you might immediately think of enrolling in leadership training programs, attending conferences, and even business classes.

Perhaps the last thing you have in mind if you want to hone your leadership skills is to enrol in a dance class. But as surprising as it may be, there are indeed a lot of leadership lessons you’ll learn from adult dance classes. Here are some of them:

Dance Teaches You That Everyone Is Worthy of the Spotlight

Dance is a team sport for one and all.

No one is left out. As a matter of fact, everyone has his or her part to play depending on his or her ability and stamina.

Don't worry if you can’t do the most difficult steps. You can always contribute the things that you are good at. You don’t have to be physically fit to dance. What’s important is to be passionate.

The same goes for leading a company. You don’t have to be the best in everything, but you must be able to find ways to contribute to the team. As a team leader, it is your job to find out what each of your team members can contribute and to create opportunities for each member to shine.

You Learn That Listening Is Key

Dance is a form of communication. It uses body language as a means of communicating with each other.

If you are out of sync with your dance partner, you’ll be able to tell it right away. You can’t be a good leader if you can’t listen to the needs of your team members. You must listen to their ideas and suggestions and give them time to express themselves.

To be a good leader, you need to have the ability to listen.

Dance Teaches Boundaries

Dance requires you to learn to accept the fact that you can’t do everything by yourself. You need to learn to work with other people to achieve success. You will gain a deep appreciation for teamwork.

On the other hand, leading a team also teaches you that you must be able to show limits. You can’t always let your team members do everything. You must know when to give your team members the freedom to do things on their own and when to draw the line. You are the leader, after all.

Dance Helps You Build a Strong Presence

Dance requires a strong presence. If you can’t keep your balance, you will fall. As a leader, you are always on stage. Even if you’re not in the spotlight, you need to maintain a strong presence. You need to inspire trust, cooperation, and respect to be a successful leader.

It Teaches You Perseverance and Resilience

You must be resilient if you are going to be a good leader. It takes a lot of patience, discipline, and motivation to make it in the tough world of business. There are going to be times when you will be discouraged and feel like giving up. But it’s important that you don’t give up.

Dance teaches you to keep your composure even when things don’t go your way. This is a valuable lesson that you can use when things don’t go as planned at work. It will serve as a reminder that the important thing is to keep moving forward no matter the odds.


Many business leaders are looking for quick, easy solutions to improve their leadership skills. They see it as a shortcut to success. However, they forget that business success is all about the team. You can’t lead a team if you can’t listen, can’t show limits, and can’t persevere.

Dance is an art that requires focus and attention to detail. It’s not something that you can learn in a day or a week. It takes a lot of hard work and constant practice. Enrol in adult dance classes and develop leadership skills at the same time that you hone your moves.

Adore Dance offers adult dance classes in East London that include ballet, dance fitness, jazz, and temporary dance, among others. Contact us today to learn more about our dance classes!

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