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Our Membership System / Cancellation Policy

Joe Watson

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

We're sorry to hear you're unable to make the class this week.

This post is intended to give some further context to the 7 day cancellation period:

Our cancellation period is 7 days, including for sickness or injury.


Our class memberships are designed for students to attend every week, whilst also allowing flexibility whilst you're going on holiday or know you're going to be away. That's a whole lot more flexible than monthly/termly payment cycles or full pre-payment like most dance schools.

Whilst it's still best practice to let us know (through the portal) if you cannot make the class so the teacher knows who to expect, there isn't the option of transferring the payment to the following week or a refund.

The portal converts 7 days into hours, and 167 hours is the exact notice period required.

For example, if your class every week on a Tuesday at 7pm, you will be unbale to cancel or skip the payment from 8pm that Tuesday.

More Details We make a real point of making this policy as clear as possible when you sign up, both in our emails and on the webpage.

We do allow you to skip weeks-or- cancel altogether with 7 days notice, which is a whole lot more flexible than most memberships or pre-paid dance courses. We like to think our class membership is a bit of a compromise between paying a membership fee each week/month even if you know you're going to be away (like a gym)—but still enables you to be in the same class with the same people each week for the social aspect and ability to work on routines as a group which you wouldn't get with pay as you go or drop-in style classes. As well as the flexibility to pause membership when you're away on holiday or have a friends/work/family/life event.

However, the compromise of this process is that short notice cancellation for any reason does come with a fee. Otherwise to avoid everybody cancelling last minute and us being left with an empty class, we'd need to request proof of sickness, as well as, open the can of worms of what passes as sick and what doesn't. For these reasons, we have to be able to balance covering our own costs vs. being as flexible as possible because we appreciate we all have a life outside the studio! Thank you again for your understanding.


The only real exception to this is our Competition teams which work on monthly payment cycles because the fee also spreads the cost of costume hire and entry fees, alongside class tuition. No refunds/make up classes are available to missed classes in Competition teams.

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